Thoughts on People Skillsroles that require more interaction with our colleagues and customers. It’s at that point where a software engineering role shifts from primarily code-based to primarily people-based, and all of a sudden, it’s a different job. Previously, transitioning to a people-focused role took over five years and typically involved several promotions. However, with the advent of AI in software engineering, this timeline is shortening significantly. Companies once hired mediocre programmers to perform essential coding tasks, but AI can now do the same work more cost-effectively, eliminating these roles. Rather than leading a team of programmers, a competent developer will oversee AI that writes the software, making people skills increasingly critical. The term "people skills," often synonymous with "soft skills," is frequently dismissed by software engineers as non-essential. Previously, being excellent at writing and managing code almost guaranteed lifelong job security. This is why the stereotype of the asshole programmer persisted, as productivity ensured employment despite negative behavior. However, with AI capable of performing most coding tasks, such disruptive behavior is no longer tolerated, as there is no incentive to keep such employees. In a workplace with fewer engineers, each responsible for overseeing AI that develops parts of the product, relationships become crucial. Productivity is now determined not just by coding skills, but by how effectively you coordinate with others. Success is dictated by the quality of your relationships with peers and managers. As we prepare for this evolving world of software engineering, developing key people skills is essential. Here are some key skills to consider:
People prefer to work with individuals they know, like, and trust. This has always been true, and there has always been a career ceiling for those who fail to learn this lesson. However, as coding becomes a commoditized service, more engineers will learn this lesson much sooner. Strengthening your people skills now is essential for your career advancement. Key Takeaways
Stuff I've Enjoyed this Month📝 DeepSeek FAQ by Ben Thompson (Stratechery) 📖 The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel 📝Collection of insane and fun facts about SQLite by Avinash Sajjanshetty 🎬 Stop using position absolute -- use CSS Grid stacking! by Wes Bos 📝A Modern Replacement for Cookie Cruft by Ollie Williams 🎬 The CSS display property is changing forever by Web Dev Simplified 🍿 The Original Whirley Pop Popcorn Maker by Wabash ValleyFarms What I'm Working On🏠 Real Estate: The hits just keep on coming! The boiler at one of my properties broke during a cold spell and required emergency repairs to the tune of $1,500. This has been a rough few months for repairs and I'm really hoping things settle down going forward. Follow my Instagram for real estate photos. 💻 Open Source: I released Mentoss, a library for mocking global fetch() calls in browsers and server runtimes. While there are other libraries out there, I found them to have poor APIs and documentation, leading to a frustrating developer experience. Read the intro post for more details. 💻 ESLint: The two things I've been spending time on are:
A once-per-month newsletter discussing topics important to senior-level software engineers, with a particular focus on frontend technology and leadership.
Thoughts on AI-First Development I spent the past month diving into Copilot Edits, testing whether I could go fully AI-first on my personal projects. Instead of jumping in and coding right away when I had an idea, I let Copilot take the first pass by following my instructions. What sets Copilot Edits apart from earlier versions is its ability to make changes across multiple files—not just suggest edits in a single one. Could this actually save me time and effort? Spoiler: yes, and in a big...
Thoughts on Debuggability In the early days of web browsers, there were no developer tools. From Netscape to Internet Explorer, and the first version of Firefox, if something wasn’t aligning properly or your JavaScript wasn’t behaving as expected, there was little you could do. The browser provided no additional information. Everything changed with the arrival of Firebug, the first real developer tool for web applications. As a Firefox plugin, it exposed the inner workings of a web browser to...
Thoughts on Chrome That ruling stated that Google had an illegal monopoly on search and excluded competition by paying other browsers to feature Google search as their default search engine. Subsequently, the U.S. Department of Justice requested that a judge force Google to sell off its own browser, Chrome, as well as stop all exclusive search deals (among other concessions). This represents the most significant legal loss for a tech company in the United States since Microsoft was ordered to...